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Detox Redefined

The meaning of the word detox continues to evolve. To many, it has come to be the answer to too much gluttony, the ideal way to lose a few pounds before a special event, or a simple way to claim better health.

Are detoxes a brilliant marketing ploy, a term coined for something that actually does little for you in the long-term? Is it a fad, like the so many end-all-be-all diets, routines, or answers to the long struggle with food and weight? It might be all of these things, but the notion of a detox seems to be here to stay and, when done well, can be a really great thing.

In truth, we really shouldn’t need to detox since our body naturally and regularly detoxes. We have some pretty unbelievable detoxification mechanisms that are working within us all the time. Our systems are constantly removing toxins through functions of the liver, kidney, intestines, lungs, skin and lymph system.

Our body’s design is pretty incredible, but we also put a pretty heavy burden on it. Our bodies are overfed and undernourished. Our brains and eyes are bombarded with constant light and media. The food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe is often less than healthy. And many indulgences taunt us to ingest new toxins, constantly.

Suffice it to say, that most of could gift ourselves an occasional helping hand in the detox department. You just want to make sure you are choosing the best help possible. I’ll say it now, many detox protocols out there are simply NOT GOOD. A detox or cleanse that requires you to entirely cut out a food group, only drink liquids or eat an inadequate amount of food is likely doing you more harm than good, not to mention that the immediate benefits are only short-term.

I would like to challenge you to refrain from abrupt eliminations and torturous, yet popular “liquid only” detoxes and instead begin to embrace a longer term balance with food, health and wellness.

In order for all of our detox systems to do their best, they need a broad array of nutrients. Coupling a diet heavy in nutrients with a break from unhealthy habits, gives your body an opportunity to restore optimal functioning.

Instead, the idea behind a restorative “break” should be finding balance, making conscious choices, mindfully eating, taking time to incorporate lifestyle shifts while taking a break from typical habits and exploring healthy ways of moving through your life. Along the way, you may even discover some of the small changes, become sustainable.

The Spirit Delight Detox, I created, is not a diet. It is a curated experience that functions to provide mental, physical and emotional restoration. My goal was to put a plan together that incorporated a mind/body connection through yoga, a diet rich in nutrients, strategies to implement mindful and conscious eating and an exploration of whole food recipes and cooking.

What is it? For 21 days, you take a break from your typical habits. You have a professional by your side to assist with whatever intricacies come up for you, individually. Yoga becomes a part of your daily routine, even if for a quick 5 minute break. Daily, you are given insight into practices you can incorporate into your life to make living healthy, easier. On top of that, you are invited to join a weekly forum with different topics where you can interact with fellow “detoxers” and learn more about a specific Nutrition topic.

Choose your 21 day window and let the process of restoration begin.

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